Technology is a broad term that encompasses different tools, methods and processes used in the pursuit of practical goals, such as solving problems, creating products or enhancing productivity. It can also refer to the devices that enable such efforts, including tangible objects like utensils and machines as well as intangible ones such as software and data.
The use of Technology can have a wide impact on the world around us. It is difficult to imagine modern life without the benefits it brings, from food processing and medical advancements to mobile communication and computer systems. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the impact of Technology on society and its environment. Various technological processes produce unwanted by-products such as pollution and deplete natural resources, all of which can have adverse impacts on the planet and the people that depend on it.
It is rare that a single scientific discovery or engineering concept can be fully developed into a product for use by humans; usually, the process of developing technology is a gradual one, with each step providing validation and building confidence in a new idea or design. This is why it is so important for all stakeholders to remain informed of the progress of the Technology they are using.
Despite its immense impact on our lives, much of the discussion about Technology revolves around gadgets and consumer products – mobile phones, TV’s, hi-fi’s, computers, cars, drones, robot grass cutters etc. However, when it comes to the world of education, Technology has a wider scope and includes a range of tools that can improve learning outcomes for students.