News is the information which is reported in the newspapers, radio and television about something that happened or was not known by the people. This information is of importance to the people and it is helpful in their lives.
The news value of an event is based on the news selection process. This selection is often influenced by social, educational, political and cultural influences on journalists. It is also a product of the media hierarchy in which journalists operate, their position in that hierarchy and the type of audience for whom they produce news.
Facts and Opinion: A well written article should include the primary facts along with an opinion of the writer. This is to give the reader a good understanding of the issue and keep them reading.
A good news article should be concise and to the point. It should not contain any jargon that may confuse the reader.
Writing news articles is not difficult, but it requires a lot of research and effort. It can be especially challenging if you are trying to cover several different pieces of news in one article. Having another pair of eyes read your work can help to correct any mistakes and ensure that the content is accurate and true to the topic.