Humans are social creatures, and we yearn for close relationships. Relationships can take many forms, from casual acquaintances to long-term marriages. Whether they are romantic or nonromantic, healthy relationships can add years to our lives.
A healthy relationship involves honesty, trust and respect between two people. The partners respect each other’s independence and don’t try to control or manipulate one another. They encourage each other to spend time with friends without them and enjoy activities apart from each other. They listen to each other’s concerns and share decision making. They make an effort to communicate clearly and avoid misunderstandings. They also show each other affection, such as holding hands or giving a kiss from time to time.
Relationships can boost our self-esteem and confidence, which in turn can reduce stress levels and improve physical health. They can help us to be more flexible and creative and provide a “soft place to land” when we take risks or pursue our dreams. They can even reduce anxiety in those who are naturally prone to it.
However, it is important to remember that there are negative aspects of relationships. One such aspect is the “one-sided” relationship, which can be physically and emotionally draining. In this article, clinical psychologist Scott Bea explains the red flags of these types of relationships and describes ways to end them in a kind and respectful manner. In the next article, we will examine how to build healthy friendships.