There are many different kinds of news. Some are objective, while others are opinionated. Journalists check news before printing it to ensure credibility. They also check for objectivity and fairness, meaning that they have access to both sides of the story. In addition, they form an opinion about the news they publish. A journalist’s responsibility is to give the audience the best information possible, while remaining objective.
The most common topics covered in news stories are: government, education, health, business, fashion, entertainment, and quirky events. News has existed since the ancient times, when people would read government proclamations. Over the years, technological developments and social developments have increased the speed of information dissemination. This has significantly influenced the content of news stories.
Nonetheless, these models only explain a portion of journalistic news choices. In reality, news selection and treatment can be explained as much by the outputs of the media as by news values. As a result, Staab and Chomsky argued, news values favour powerful elites. This view was later echoed by McChesney.
Entertainment stories are stories about famous people. These stories can be sex and show business stories, or they can be lighter human interest stories. Some of these stories even have witty headlines. Other types of news are dramatic unfolding events. Depending on their subject matter, they can be good or bad news. The former is regarded as positive while the latter has negative overtones.