Fashion is a form of personal expression, it enables us to express our mood and current feelings through the way we dress. It is also a way of social interaction, it brings together people from different areas of culture and encourages them to exchange ideas.
It is known that fashion has a positive impact on one’s mental health, especially in the case of women. It is a powerful tool to help them feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, regardless of body shape or size. The process of browsing, trying on and purchasing clothes is a known source of happiness and dopamine production.
In general, it can be said that Fashion is a set of trends in any area of culture including art, sport, clothing and architecture. However, its exact definition has never been clarified. It can be defined as a combination of changing trends, but that is too broad and doesn’t explain why certain styles become popular while others fade away.
Fashion changes very quickly. It can be very hard to keep up with the latest trends, and this can cause frustration – for example, when someone doesn’t have the money to buy the new designer jeans or cannot wear a skirt that is on trend. Fashion can also be a political statement, for example, when people wear T-shirts with the names of activists like Malala Yousafzai or Angela Davis as a protest against discrimination.
A fashion cycle lasts about 20 years, and the same or similar styles can reappear in this period. For example, low-rise jeans have been back in style recently. The popularity of a particular style can be influenced by the media, celebrities, or political events.