Technology is the process by which knowledge creatively applied to organised tasks involving people and machines meet sustainable goals. It encompasses many different fields and areas of work, including computer science, information systems, data analytics, cybersecurity and digital marketing. Understanding what technology is important, as it plays a key role in both our personal and professional lives.
When we think about technology, often our thoughts automatically gravitate towards the gadgets we own and use – mobile phones, computers, big TV’s, HiFi’s, cars, robotic grass cutters etc. But in a business context, when we discuss technology we generally mean IT (information technology) or more specifically the tools and processes that help organizations maximize outputs while minimizing inputs.
Modern technologies are complex to create and maintain – they require sophisticated general and specific training to design, build, operate and maintain. They also often have a lifecycle that requires ongoing upgrades and maintenance.
The greatest advantage of technology is the democratisation of access to information, making it possible for students to study at home or on the go, without being constrained by physical classrooms. It also helps teachers to provide their students with engaging and interactive lessons, allowing them to learn in a way that is more exciting than reading from textbooks. It can encourage students to develop their creativity, enabling them to produce high-quality presentations and well-researched papers that impress their teachers. It can also increase productivity by reducing the time needed to complete assignments and research.